
Hi there..my name is Amy…I am a Leo and love long walks on the beach. Haha! kidding! I have MS and can’t deal with the heat very well. So lets just say, I love Coffee, my family, a good book…which I haven’t read one in awhile..and any and all things decorating. I have a little side business making wreaths and that gives me a creative outlet.

I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in February of 2014. Since that diagnosis, I have been working on healing, learning how to live this new life and trying to be the best wife and mother I can be. But lets face it, it isn’t easy.

I have always loved to write and I have learned that my words can be a powerful healing therapy for me. I know I am not in this alone and I hope to help and encourage other moms out there that are struggling with anything in their lives.

Moms have to stick together!

My Family

My husband Jason and I have been married almost ten years and let me tell you….the longest 10 years ever! We should get a medal for our life! Marriage is hard..Then add in 3 children.

Jason is in the grain business and is a genius in his field. I am so thankful he is happy and loves the work he does. We are constantly changing…and trying to keep up with each others ever evolving personalities.



My sweet, sensitive 7 year old. He loves to build legos, is quite the budding artist and will fight me on almost EVERYTHING. I am slowly adapting to this stage of life we are in…but then BAM! A new stage emerges…I am running trying to keep up..He is growing up before my eyes…and I feel like its going way to fast.




My spunky little 5 year old. This little girl is full of sass…and she knows it. She has daddy wrapped around her little finger and mommy gives into her too easily. She is my dreamer, wonderer, tender heart, and she will always be dancing idiotically in a corner somewhere. She loves to play barbies, games, sings and loves to dance to anything…her current favorite might be “Baby Got Back”…But I will neither clarify nor deny that information.


Tennyson David 

My third born…a surprise for sure..and what a wonderful one. This 2 year old keeps you on your toes. He loves everything trucks..especially garbage trucks..Loves “nacks” and gets on my nerves daily. He is busy and gets into everything. He has no boundaries, limits and knows nothing about personal space..as he is always with me in the bathroom. Other than his what seems to be constant naughtiness…he loves his mommy. He can be a sweet sensitive little guy, before he smacks you in the face and runs away laughing. Yeah…we are done at 3!


This is my beautiful family. And to be honest…our kids are freaking good looking! LOL! But seriously…model material.

We have had our ups and downs, and will continue to fight this storm.

So Stick around, have some coffee and let me make you feel like you are an awesome amazing parent…because, frankly..I suck at this parenting thing!