What was that?????

11:19…Sunday night..all is quiet

Until I hear it.

Wait…what in the?

I hear some rustling…some moving around down the hall…what is down there? Or WHO is down there..mind you I just watched Ghost Adventures and was a tad freaked out.

I was paralyzed.

Then it’s stops…ok, it’s crazy windy outside and I can hear the windows shaking so that must be it. So I lay back down hoping to not be touched by a ghost or see some random weirdness at the foot of my bed.

Then it’s back..do I get up and see what’s happening? Is there some kind of rodent in the house? What the hell is that??

Then I hear it…the vacuum

Whhhaaaaaaa? Is the ghost vacuuming my house? I mean I don’t want to startle it so it will stop so I just sit and wait to see..or hear…

But it is no ghost, no rodent, no mystery cleaning lady…It’s Tennyson..vacuuming.

Figures…why would I have such good luck a ghost would clean my house.

So Tennyson yells from his room..

“Ok Mom! I done vacuuming..I go bed now”

Yes please Tenny go to bed…we will discuss your odd relationship with the vacuum in the morning 🤦🏼‍♀️

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